Based on case studies and epidemiological studies, this symposium will seek to better define the bases for systematic collaboration between these disciplines (anthropology and medicine) to benefit public health. Symposium organised with Dr. Jacques Hassin, Director of IPES
About the symposium
What are the mutual scientific and anthropological/ethnological interests in working together during epidemics (plague, cholera, Ebola and other arboviruses), and during the re-emergence of infectious diseases (measles, tuberculosis, leprosy, etc.)? What are the implications of climate change and migratory movements in this medical anthropology of zoonoses?
In this general context, the question focuses on people’s perspective of patients, the portrayal of the sick in the collective imagination and in art, the magical/religious processes used in the fight against these health scourges, and finally the potential actions for improvement to be implemented in these different areas.
Based on case studies and epidemiological studies, this symposium will seek to better define the bases for systematic collaboration between these disciplines (anthropology and medicine) to benefit public health.
- Jacques Hassin, Director, IPES (Institut de la précarité et de l’exclusion sociale)
- Philippe Charlier, Director, Department of Research and Education, musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac
- Anna Gianotti Laban, Scientific events manager, musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac. Contact: recherche[at]
- Place: Salle de cinéma
The Thursday 27 June 2019 from 09:30 to 18:30 -
- Handicap auditif bim (T)
- Handicap moteur
- Public: Researcher, student
- Categorie : Symposia
Free entry (subject to available places)Gratuit (dans la limite des places disponibles)