What role do martial arts play in the history of Chinese society? A one-day symposium as part of the exhibition “Ultimate Combat”.
Both in past and present China, fighting techniques are not just a military matter. These incorporated skills interact in various ways with medicine, meditation and a wide array of ritual traditions. “Warfare” (wu) plays a major role in modes of governance and in art: from statuary art to the epics that have since been adapted to the screen. Yet, this martial face of Chinese culture remains less well-known than the “civility or culture” (wen). Anthropologists, historians, sociologists and authors gather to contribute to structuring this emerging field of study.
In person and live on YouTube
Fiorella Allio(IrAsia/CNRS)
Circuits of exchanges and ritual confrontations. The services of processional martial troops in Taiwan
Alain Arrault (CCJ/EFEO)
The characters of martiality in the domestic statues of Hunan
Laurent Chircop-Reyes (CCJ & IrAsia)
Taoist principles of esoteric boxing (Neijiaquan) as learning levels and social markers
Catherine Despeux (CRCAO/INALCO)
The acupuncture needle, an exorcist weapon
Vincent Durand-Dastès (IFRAE/INALCO)
The “magical-tactical diagrams” (zhen): from ritual to theatre and martial arts novels
Georges Favraud (INACC, IFRAE & LISST-CAS)
The ritual and social dynamics of a contemporary Taoist boxer
The tiger soldiers of the Qing Empire: war, ritual and possession
David Palmer (IHSS/HKU) & Martin Tse (IHSS/HKU)
Civil masters, martial masters: the wen-wu structure of a major Jiao ritual of Southern China
Creating a “spiritual sport”? The Shaolin Chan bow
Sébastien Billioud (IFRAE/UPD), Adeline Herrou (LESC/CNRS), Édouard L’Hérisson (IrAsia/INALCO), Stéphane Molard (AFWK), Stéphane Rennesson (LESC/CNRS) AND Jean-Jacques Sagot (FAEMC)
Photo: Taoists martial arts master Li Jiazhong practises on the square of the Temple of Intensified Transformations (Hunan, China). © Georges Favraud, 2008.
Scientific organisation
- Georges Favraud (INACC, IFRAE & LISST-CAS)
- Catherine Despeux (CRCAO/INALCO)
- Anna Gianotti Laban, musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, anna.gianotti-laban@quaibranly.fr
- Institute of Chinese Arts of the Body – INACC https://www.inacc.fr/
- Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Buddhism – CEIB https://ifrae.cnrs.fr/en/centre-for-interdisciplinary-studies-on-buddhism-ceib/
- French Research Institute on Eastern Asia – IFRAE http://www.inalco.fr/recherche/ifrae
- Institute of Asian Research – IrAsia https://irasia.cnrs.fr/
- University of Hong Kong – HKIHSS https://www.hkihss.hku.hk/en/
- University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès – UT2J https://chinois.univ-tlse2.fr/
- French School of Asian Studies – EFEO https://www.efeo.fr/index.php?l=EN
- Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales – INALCO http://www.inalco.fr/en/welcome-inalco-website
- Association Française de Wushu Kungfu (AFWK/FFK): https://www.ffkarate.fr/wushu-arts-martiaux-chinois/
- Fédération d'arts énergétiques et martiaux chinois (FAEMC): faemc.fr
- Place: Théâtre Claude Lévi-Strauss
- Pickup location: En ligne
The Friday 12 November 2021 from 09:30 to 18:30 -
- Handicap moteur
- Public: Researcher, student
- Categorie : Symposia
Free entry (subject to available places)Gratuit (dans la limite des places disponibles)