As part of a proactive policy of circulating artworks, the museum loans objects from its collections to worldwide institutions, and welcomes professionals and members of the communities of origin of the collections.

International cooperation

As part of its mission to disseminate its collections, the museum has numerous loans and deposits loans and deposits all over the world.
- Like other national museums, the museum is a partner of the Louvre Abu Dhabi, with major loans to the permanent galleries and participation in the museum's temporary exhibitions.
- The museum also partners with international institutions to organise exhibitions, exceptional loans or deposits of its collections. For example, in 2022, the museum deposited an exceptional, recently-rediscovered object at the Tasmanian Museum (Australia) (find out more).
- The museum's touring exhibition programme enables this collection to be shared around the world.

The museum has been welcoming professionals from around the world since it opened:
- enabling them to work jointly on the museum's collections, often as part of the "Résidence Culture" (Culture Residency) « Résidence Culture » (Culture Residency) programme offered by the French Ministry of Culture and the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
- for research stays in line with the museum's research policy.
Hosting these colleagues and community members from the countries of origin enriches the museum's work on the collections, and fosters shared knowledge about the objects.
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