Creating fiction
October 2014
This issue of Gradhiva deals with the complex relationship between creativity and fiction. It aims at clarifying the creative process by enquiring into the diverse ways in which creative people envision it for themselves and into its deconstruction by other visual artists, plastic artists, writers and film-makers. The articles assembled in this special survey explore how creativity and fiction are intertwined: by inclusion when the work itself exposes the fiction of its own creation (Francis Ponge in La Fabrique du Pré [The creation of the “Pré”]) by overflow when the creative process and the work become indissociable from a form of life (Marcel Proust or Pier Paolo Pasolini) not to mention by intrusion of power (such as the appearance in the 17th century of new figures of poets, children or craftsmen praising the grandeur of the sovereign). One also discovers there how creativity and fiction reverberate: in the depiction of the artist at work (as in the film, “The Mystery of Picasso” by Henri-Georges Clouzot); in the restoration of creative passion to films (Séraphine of Martin Provost); through dialogue, on the creation of a particular work (as in the novels of Philippe Dagen on artists) or through the literary exploration of works in the plastic arts (such as by Pierre Michon). This volume offers a range of studies that engage the anthropology of creative processes on new paths.
Special issue: creating fiction
Coordinated by Daniel Fabre
- Introduction : Comprendre la création, entendre la fiction, by Daniel Fabre
- La fable d’une fabrique — Ponge et son pré, The fable of a factory — Ponge and his “Pré”] by Jean-Charles Depaule
- Marcel Proust en mal de mère, [Marcel Proust searching for and being Mother] Une fiction du créateur, [A creator’s fiction] by Daniel Fabre
- Le menuisier et l’enfant, by Dinah Ribard
- Les trois anges de Séraphine de Senlis, by Giordana Charuty
- Le double drame de la création selon Le Mystère Picasso (1956) de Henri-Georges Clouzot, [The dual drama of creativity according to “ The Mystery of Picasso” (1956) by Henri-Georges Clouzot] by Michèle Coquet
- Pasolini l’Africain, by Alessandro Barbato
- Savoirs et romans. Interview of Daniel Fabre with Philippe Dagen
- « Mes fictions sur les peintres sont des mensonges, mais il faut les croire », [“ My fiction works on painters are lies, but you should believe them” ]. À propos de l’œuvre de Pierre Michon, by Giordana Charuty
Studies and essays
- L’œuvre en double de Luc de Heusch, by Damien Mottier
- L’ivresse et le flacon.Collections ethnographiques et histoire de la culture matérielle du boire en Éthiopie (16e-20e siècle), [drunkenness and the bottle: ethnographic collections and the history of the material culture of drinking in ethiopia (16th-20th centuries)] by Thomas Guindeuil
Reading review
- D’aujourd’hui à avant-hier. Un évolutionnisme bien tempéré, by Gérard Lenclud
- 288 pages (20x27 cm)
- 85 illustrations
- ISBN: 978-2-35744-074-6
- €20