In 1912 Edgar Rice Burroughs created a figure that went on to become the most popularized fictional character in the world. He is one of the first heroes in young people's literature, comic strips and cinema to have inspired the dreams of many a teenager in the 20th century. Today, Tarzan is the paragon of a new fable: the son and protector of nature, endowed with "the stoicism of an animal and the intelligence of man” and who exists first and foremost through his relationship with the African jungle, a stereotypical jungle, populated by wild animals, but invaded in turn by Roman armies, anthropoids, Amazons, ant men... He also invites us to broaden our ecological conscience.
The adventures of Lord Greystoke have found their place at the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac where they provide a pretext for exploring an imaginary world.
An ethnologist, a linguist, a psychoanalyst, a cinema critic and a historian provide an informative and entertaining reexamination of his story and his myth. Tarzan was able to cross over from fiction to the comic strip to cinema with some historical distortions which deserve to be studied in more detail.
A collection of illustrations from the great Tarzan illustrators (Foster, Hogarth, etc.) accompanies this portrait, as well as tributes from eight renowned contemporary illustrators. This study of Tarzan would not be complete without looking at cinema (45 films to date without taking into account the television series) and in particular the unforgettable portrayal by Johnny Weissmuller whose scream, like the legend, continues to resound!
120 pages • 24,5 x 27,5 cm •19.50 €
Copublished by the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac / Somogy éditions d’art 2009
EAN : 9782757202739