Martine Aublet Foundation scholarships


Call for applications for the 2024-2025 academic year

Since 2011, the Fondation Martine Aublet - Agir pour l'éducation, under the aegis of the Fondation de France, has been working in partnership with the Research and Education Department of the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac, to support the younger generation of researchers working in non-European fields, by funding grants at doctoral and master's level.

The disciplines concerned are anthropology, archaeology, ethnolinguistics, ethnomusicology, history, art history and sociology. Research in other disciplines may be accepted, provided that it involves a solid dialogue with the above-mentioned disciplines. Methods may include ethnographic or ethnolinguistic research, archival and documentary research (including collections), or archaeological excavations.

Applicants must be enrolled in a French higher education establishment or a French-speaking university abroad. There is no nationality requirement.


The Foundation awards grants of €15,000 to fund field research by students in the first or second year of their doctoral studies.

Funding is available for fieldwork in Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas, lasting at least 6 months between 1 October of the current year and 30 September of the following year.

The research grant application must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor.

The thesis proposal may be written in English or French. Winners receive their grant in two instalments. The second payment is conditional on the submission to the Foundation of a brief report (financial and scientific) together with a letter from the thesis supervisor attesting to the satisfactory progress of the research.

A final report will be requested at the end of the year.

The complete application must be sent by midnight on 27 June at the latest.

Download registration form - Doctorate


The Foundation awards grants worth €2,000 to students wishing to carry out their first research outside Europe at Master's level.

The application for a research grant (Master's level) must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor, also certifying that the student is enrolled in a Master's programme.

If you have not received an acknowledgement of receipt of your application, please contact us.

List of eligible applications (masters level)



The application evaluation system comprises two bodies: a committee of rapporteurs, and then the Scientific Advisory Board, which draws up the list of successful candidates.

To be registered, the complete application must be sent electronically by midnight on 9 June at the latest for master's scholarships and by midnight on 27 June at the latest for doctoral scholarships, to the following address:

(the various documents will be grouped together in a single .pdf file, which may not exceed 5MB in size (files larger than 5MB will be automatically rejected by our computer servers, without warning).

titled as follows:


Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Students intending to register for the first year of a thesis (or the first year of a master's degree) at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year must attach to their application a certificate from their future thesis (or master's) supervisor confirming their registration. They must send proof of registration before 6 September 2024.

The list of prize-winners will be posted on the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac website and distributed at the start of the 2024 academic year (the exact date will be announced at a later date). The award ceremony will take place on the evening of 30 September 2024 at the musée du quai Branly - Jacques Chirac (the scholarship holders are expected to attend).

comité des rapporteurs

  • Benjamin Balloy, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès
  • Maîté Boullosa, Université d’Amiens
  • Marie Chosson, INALCO
  • Alice Christophe, British Museum
  • Hadrien Collet, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire
  • Alice Doublier, CNRS, Centre de la Chine et du Japon
  • Cloé Drieu, CNRS, Centre d'études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques
  • Marie Durand, Université de Strasbourg
  • Jean-Baptiste Eczet, EHESS
  • Remi Hadad, EHESS
  • Christine Guillebaud, CNRS, Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative, Nanterre
  • Clémentine Gutron,  CNRS, Centre Jacques Berque, Rabat
  • Jacky Maniacky, Africa Museum, Tervuren
  • Aël Théry,  INRAE, Centre Maurice Halbwachs
  • Isabel Yaya, EHESS



Lauréats des bourses de la Fondation Martine Aublet

2020 - 2021

Doctoral grant

  • Benoît Baconnet
  • Archéologie des Amériques
  • Amérique centrale
  • Mécanismes et impacts de la diffusion de la tradition Río Bec dans les Basses Terres centrales mayas.
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  • Jacopo Bertoli
  • Anthropologie sociale, Ethnologie
  • Brésil
  • La forêt qui se souvient : chants rituels, mémoire et construction du paysage chez les Tikmũ’ũn-Maxakali (Minas Gerais, Brésil).
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  • Nora Bourquin
  • Histoire
  • Cambodge
  • La déesse Durgā Mahiṣāsuramardinī dans l’histoire sociale et culturelle du Cambodge ancien (seconde moitié du Ier millénaire de notre ère).
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  • Gabriela Bravo
  • Archéologie, Ethnoarchéologie
  • Chili
  • Techno-économie comparée des productions en matières dures d’origine animale chez les chasseurs-cueilleurs de la côte pacifique du Chili (IIIème et IVème régions) à l’Archaïque moyen-récent.
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  • Romain Denimal
  • Ethnologie
  • Guatemala
  • La Politique du sacré : Vestiges, « lieux sacrés » et néo-autochtonie des migrants mayas q’eqchi’ des basses-terres du Guatemala (département du Pétén).
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  • François-Xavier Faucouneau
  • Anthropologie culturelle, Socio-ethnographie comparée
  • Océanie
  • Une étude comparée des Zabana à Santa Isabel (Iles Salomon) : examen des notions de “chef” et de “big man” en Mélanésie insulaire.
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  • Lydia Haddag
  • Histoire de l'art
  • Maghreb
  • Les mondes de l’art maghrébins au XXème siècle : Une lecture comparatiste de l’histoire des collectifs artistiques, Alger-Tunis, 1930-1990.
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  • Morgan Jenatton
  • Anthropologie sociale
  • Mexique
  • Reconnexion des dimensions sociales, écologiques et nutritionnelles dans les systèmes agrialimentaires : une enquête socio-anthropologique des filières de la tortilla mexicaine et du pain français.
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  • Ana Maria Jimenez Guevara
  • Anthropologie sociale
  • Colombie
  • Écologie politique des mobilisations paysannes dans la haute montagne des Andes septentrionales. Sumapaz, Colombie (XXe-XXIe siècle).
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  • Marie Kolbenstetter
  • Archéologie
  • Honduras
  • Connaissance, tradition et échange au carrefour des cultures : étude anthropologique des industries et techniques précolombiennes sur El Tigre, Honduras méridional (400 - 1521 apr. J. C.).
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  • Federico Lifschitz
  • Anthropologie sociale
  • Mexique
  • La fête exponentielle : multiplication et politisation du cycle cérémoniel d’une communauté p’urhépecha de Michoacán (Mexique).
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  • Camille Mayeux
  • Archéologie
  • Amérique du Nord
  • Habitat et hygiène des populations littorales du Grand Nord américain (12e-17e siècle) approches archéoentomologiques et archéobotaniques.
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  • Capucine Monfort
  • Histoire de l'art
  • Cuba
  • La formation des artistes cubains au XIXe siècle. L'étude de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts San Alejandro de La Havane de 1817 à 1907.
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  • Léa Roth
  • Archéologie
  • Afrique centrale
  • Paver Ifé, construire le pouvoir : urbanisme, connexions et espace dans un centre ouest-africain, 1000 – 1400 CE.
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